Dua qunoot bangla
Dua qunoot bangla
Qunoot is an exceptional Dua within the Islamic realm, which Muslims would
recite at times of immense need or distress. It is of particular relevance as
the final two Rakat are performed during the Witr prayer,
is an all-odd number of Sunnah prayers and such prayed specifically after 'Isha
(night time) prayers whether in Ramadan or not. This blog post discusses what
Dua Qunoot is, and the importance of Dua-al-Qanoot in Islam and gives context
to why we should read.
Dua qunoot bangla uccharon
inna nastayinuka oya nastagfiruka, oyanu’minu bika oya nataoyakkalu alaika oya
nuchni alaikal khaira. oya naskuruka oyala nak furuka, oyanakhlau oyanat ruku
iyjakana’budu oyalaka nusalli, oyanach judu oya ilaika nasoya; oya nahfidu oya
narju rahmataka, oya nakhsha ajabak; inna ajabaka bilkuffari mulhikbo.
Dua Qunoot English meaning
Allah, we seek Your help and forgiveness. At the same time, we profess our
faith in You and express our trust in You in all matters. We praise You greatly
and will express our gratitude to You throughout our lives. We will never be
disobedient to You at any time."
prayer is often recited in times of difficulty or distress, asking for divine
support and acknowledging faith and gratitude.
those who disobey You, we will not follow them. O Allah, we worship only You
and we pray and prostrate only for You. We continually strive to obey You and
look towards Your mercy. We fear Your severe punishment. Indeed, the disbelievers
will be struck by Your wrath."
section emphasizes a commitment to divine worship and obedience, a rejection of
disobedience, and a recognition of both Allah's mercy and the consequences of
Dua Qunoot
Dua qunoot Introduction
1. Historical Background Dua qunoot
Qunoot is based on the sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Reportedly the Prophet used to recite this supplication when in trouble, sad,
etc. It is about Dua in humility and submission to the will of Allah, meaning
completely submitting oneself or folding one's hand at that time. Recitation of
Dua Qunoot in Prayer
2. The Significance of Dua Qunoot
Qunoot is a supplication that we make during each of these prayers at the end.
Its primary object is to beg for Allah's help, direction, and assurance from
tough luck in this world visit… This is a powerful supplication for divine help
at an individual, and perhaps some community level.
believers recite this supplication, they declare that Allah is the source of
their protection (as users continue to make dua), and acknowledge His ultimate
power over them as He commands what ought to be done. That one can only achieve
this much by the will of Allah, and that deep sense of humility like I need my
3. Arabic Text of Dua Qunoot
إنا نستعينك ونستغفرك ونؤمن بك ونتوكل عليك ونعوذ بك من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا.
اللهم اهدنا لأحسن الأخلاق، لا يهدي لأحسنها إلا أنت، واصرف عنا سيئها، لا يصرف عنا
سيئها إلا أنت. اللهم إنا نعوذ بك من العجز والكسل، والجُبن والبخل، وضَلَع الدين،
وغلبة الرجال. اللهم آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار.
Transliteration of Dua Qunoot
inna nasta'eenuka wa nasta'ghfiruka wa nu’minu bika wa natawakkalu 'alayka wa
na'udhu bika min shururi anfusina wa min sayyi'ati a'malina. Allahumma ihdina
li ahsan al-akhlaaq, la yahdi li ahsaniha illa anta, wa isrif 'anna sayyi'aha,
la yasrif 'anna sayyi'aha illa anta.
inna na'udhu bika min al-'ajzi wa al-kasli, wa al-jubni wa al-bukhli, wa dal'
al-din, wa ghalabat al-rijal. Allahumma atina fi al-dunya hasanatan wa fi
al-akhirati hasanatan wa qina 'adhab al-nar.
English Translation Dua qunoot:
Allah, we ask You for help and seek Your forgiveness; We believe in You And
rely on You. We ask You to protect us from our evil souls and the evil of what
we have done. Oh Allah, Guide us to the best of Character...for none can guide us
to it other than you. Avert from us the evil of it, for sent away is none
except You "O Allah, we seek refuge with You from incapacity and laziness
(sin), cowardice and miserliness; defeat in a war or being overcome by the
enemy); an overpowering burden of debt )or oppressive men i.e. taxes). O Allah,
we ask You for all good in this world and what is good for the next world
(Hereafter) and to Save us from Hellfire!
4. Components of Dua Qunoot
Asking for Help and Seeking
Forgiveness: The prayer starts with
seeking assistance from Allah according to true repentance; where your heart is
strictly depending on almighty right.
character and seeking guidance to it, asking Allah zuwajal for bad characters
from which he has saved us.
Defense from Bad Traits: It consists of asking for defense against weakness
and laziness, timidity or fear of being a coward, miserliness which includes
requests to have additional wealth given as well as having the ability to spend
it properly, etc.), debts and subjection by others.
Request for Good and Safety: Finally, the dua ends by asking that goodness be
given to us in this world and the Hereafter along with protection from
5. When and How to Recite Dua Qunoot
Occasion: Dua Qunoot is generally recited before the Witr
prayer, specifically in its last part. Further, it is recited when one faces a
crisis or difficult calamity as well.
Qir'at: This is recited in the Witr prayer while standing
(after Ruku and before going for Sajda). The one who asks for something raises
his hands and asks with genuineness! And trepidation.
6. Dua Qunoot - for amazing benefits
Spiritual Connection: The recitation of Dua Qunoot during prayers builds a
link between the believer and his Lord, resulting in increased reliance on His
knowledge power.
Protect and Guide: The dua goes on to ask Allah for protection against
so many bad traits, and sinfulness and calls forth a great deal of personal
development or spiritual growth.
Hope and Comfort: during trying times, read the
Conclusion of Dua qunoot
Qunoot is a strong and effective weapon that has a designated place in Islamic
worship. It is a commemoration of the prayer for divine help, thanking &
praising Allah and how He should be adored in humility if someone wants to
achieve personal as well as spiritual improvement.
Qunoot in itself is a special tool that brings one closer to Allah and
increases the chances of seeking guidance from Him as well as His protection
hence useful for all Muslims if they become consistent parts of their DAILY
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